Creating an optical computer Note on creating an optical computer. What is Optical Computer? A laptop is a microchip based computer and uses electricity and transisters to compute. An optical computer uses photons to compute. How does it compare to a typical laptop? A modern desktop computer has about 5 TFLOPS (5 x 10^16 floating calculations per second). With an optical computer, there is no limit in the calcuations per second. Is an optical computer faster than a quantuam computer? In 2016, the fastest known quantum computer has 2000 qubits, which is 1000 faster than 512 qubits. With an optical computer, there is no artificial limitation like 2000 or 500 qubits. What's the theoretical compute limit on an optical computer? There is a limit of speed of light. For now, the only artificial limitation is how we design the first prototype. How much electricity energy does it require? The first POC should use less than 1...
In this blog, I will describe how we reduced the noise of the Time-Of-Flight sensor in our AR glasses prototype. Types of noise - systematic noise note: caused by imperfect sinusoidal modulation - random noise note: by shot noise. use bilateral filtering Motion artifacts reduction note: when motion is observed on a target object, we have motion artifacts observed in the tof sensor. This happens when TOF measurement is recorded sequentially. And, this causes doppler effects. fix: - use Plus and Minus rules -- reference: 1) "Time of flight motion compensation revisited" (2014) 2) "Time of flight cameras: Principles, Methods and Applications" (2012) Physics-based MPI reduction fix: - use 2K+1 frequency measurements for K inferencing paths in absence of noise. Per-pixel temporal processing of raw ToF measurements fix: - matrix pencil method - Prong's met...