How to Create a holographic display and camcorder In the last part of the series, I talked about why the depth sensors may not be ideal for a consumer grade camcorder. These depth sensors lack Miniaturized form factor Cost effectiveness Poor weather handling Noticeable noise errors Due to these limitations, the holographic display and camcorder will use other depth sensor alternatives. What are the depth sensor alternatives? Cameras We can use one or more cameras. When we use a camera or more, we can retrieve the depth information. These camera configurations are Monocular Camera Stereoscopic Cameras N-View Cameras For the first prototype, we will limit our use case to indoors. I haven't decided if I should use a monocular camera, stereoscopic cameras or n-view cameras. This may largely decided by how much time I have available. Likely, I will use all these camera configurations to compare and contrast the results over the design an...
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